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Vault #2


(CD-R) VAULT #2  (2006)


1. Beryl Sceptre

2. Improv in B Minor

3. Nibiru (Excerpt)

4. Pipe Organ

5. Coca Leaves

6. Pestilence

7. Lapidary Steel

8. Tunnel Sequence

9. Plasticcaferri

10. Hill Dwellers

11. Laser Surgery

12. Belles

13. Dark Eyed Mandolin

14. Hyaenidae

15. Rolling Green


The three VAULT volumes were issued in a limited run of 50 signed and numbered copies and are now long gone. They included a number of older pieces that were just lying around, looking for somewhere to go. A few of the songs eventually ended up on later official releases in updated form. Others remain obscure and of various fidelities.