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Road Stories



(Split LP with Bill Orcutt)

Unrock, 2014


A1 - SRB - Shades of Zurvan  17:10


B1 - Bill Orcutt - A Genealogy of Dysfunction  2:32

B2 - Bill Orcutt - America Abridged  2:50

B3 - Bill Orcutt - Always Already Reissued  6:16

B4 - Bill Orcutt - The Mother Of US All  2:20

B5 - Bill Orcutt - Beloved Megaphone  1:44


The first installment in Unrock's new string wringer Saraswati Series presents two of today's most extraordinary guitar maniacs captured on location. While Bill Orcutt, "Re-inventor of the Blues," falls from abstraction into acoustic hardcore serenade on his wooden 4-string guitar, the Kali-inspired Sir Richard Bishop  improvises elegantly and calmly through a feverish 17-minute variation of "Zurvan." Limited edition of 700 numbered copies. 180 gram vinyl, includes a solid cardboard info sheet.