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If You Don't Like It Dont!



(Split LP with Alvarius B [Alan Bishop])

Three Lobed Recordings, 2014


AB1 - Alvarius B - Yeah Well, Oyster Shells

AB2 - Alvarius B - Dwarf Awareness

AB3 - Alvarius B - Monster Tear, Again

AB4 - Alvarius B - Saz Nicotine

AB5 - Alvarius B - Craclin’ Larvae

AB6 - Alvarius B - Plunger Stick Mirror Trick

AB7 - Alvarius B - Lowered Sunlight

AB8 - Alvarius B - Is It Baked?


RB1 - Sir Richard Bishop - Open Season

RB2 - Sir Richard Bishop - Brick and Mortar

RB3 - Sir Richard Bishop - Wormwood

RB4 - Sir Richard Bishop - Midwestern Serenade


Alvarius B (Alan Bishop) and Sir Richard Bishop are brothers who were two thirds of the legendary ethno-jokester-punks Sun City Girls. If You Don't Like It... DON'T! represents the first ever split release between the Bishop brothers under their own name performing original material. Each of the brothers has their own side to this LP and each contributes new instrumental tracks recorded in 2013 specifically for this release. This thirty-five minute LP is essential for Sun City Girls fans, fans of the brothers' solo works and of outsider rock.

If You Don't Like It... DON'T! is from an edition of 1025 copies and is pressed on 140 gram dutch vinyl by Record Industry. The album is housed within a vivid gatefold sleeve.